Bobbi Hayden
Bobbi Hayden
I’m the owner and founder of Lifeline Dogs.
Having established Lifeline Dogs in 2015, I have found that the relationship between dog and owner is a core component of finding success in training. Therefore, it is my aim to provide you with the tools you need to create a strong and enduring bond with your dog, so that you can find reliability and enjoyment in your life together.
Through working in boarding kennels, as a dog walker and now as a trainer, it has given me over 7 years of handling a diverse range of breeds, overcoming a multitude of training and behaviour issues. With a rescue crossbreed, I rekindled my love of training obedience and also discovered scent work, trick training and agility. Yet, it became essential that I develop and expand upon my knowledge and handling skills for reactive behaviour. Through experiencing the emotional turbulence of having a dog that reacted to some dogs and people, I know that fully supporting owners with embedded mentoring is crucial when developing the essential skills required to effectively change behaviour.
Yet, the name Lifeline Dogs came from the recognition that dogs can be a persons literal lifeline. With 15% of people having a disability, which is an ever increasing number, and the evident need of mental health support, the demand for assistance and therapy dogs is ever increasing. This continues to shape the services that are available, so that dog training is inclusive and supports owners in training their dog, to ultimately increase independent living.